Thursday, April 09, 2009

2009 April 3rd G Bah Gading -Incomplete

Bah Gading:- Arif, Sham, Lan, Zubir, Anthony, Rosli, Bee Suan, Chian Nii and Siew Ting. It's a truly Malaysian Expedition as we have 3 different race in this trip.

I remember the night when we reached Tapah very very late, all members have gone; Lan told me:' tadi ingat nak beli daging, but then we remember that day at Zubir house, you and Ting tak makan sup daging, kan? So kita org tak beli." All ayam this time."

I feel bad when Lan told me that, cause i know somehow we have created some incovenient for them in meal plan. So i told Lan, "dekat luar, ada choice, so we choose not taking beef. But in hutan, kalau still pilih macam tu, susah la." Please, next time don't need to worry bout whether is daging ka, atau apa. Anything is fine." Very sorry."
Before we took off, Pang realized that her hiking shoes is same as mine at Yong Belar, that the hiking shoes started to smile with people behind us when we hike. Immediately Sham get the shoes sewing kits from Lan, and start sewing Pang's shoes. Then i remember, before Yong Belar trip, i did send my shoes to repair, but the guy told me "kasut terlalu keras, tak dapat jahit". But, Sham managed to sew Pang's shoes, and the sew area still as good as new even after the trip.

Bah Gading- We still not managed to reach the peak this time, and not even any closer to peak. I asked Bee Suan, Pang and Chian Nii....whether they feel unsatisfied/unhappy cause the Bah Gading mission failed!!!!
Their answer to me:" Not at all, cause they realized that meeting all the Tapah members, seeing the way they conduct outdoor trip, their attitude/spirit during uncertainty, the outdoor skills/knowledge they have, the sense of humor they have and the Tapah common undersyanding among each other, the 3 girls feel seeing it is even more benefit than reaching Peak of Bah Gading." Most importantly, the 3 girls learned lots of good values from the Tapah members!!!!!

During the 2 days trip with Tapah members, Bee Suan can't take her eyes of any of them, especially whenever they Tapah guys working on something. Bee Suan knows to take the chance to learn from them.

ODA girls, after seeing the Tapah members, they realized what is called as "overload backpack" The backpack loads that ODA guys carrying normally, is weight about 50% only. By the way, most of the Tapah members, they are around 40-50 years old. I still remember when we reached campsite, the Tapah members started to upload items from their backpack, all of our mouth can't close. We wonder why their backpack can stuffed so many items??? Then we think back, so many items, so heavy, but still move very fast, keep joking and laughing all the way!!!!! Beside that, off and on Zubir, Anthony and Sham will check on the 3 girls, "Ok tak?"

I am glad that Bee Suan, Chian Nii and Siew Ting participated the Bah Gading trip. It's truly an an opening trip for these 3 ODA girls. I am glad that ODA gets to learn from other mountain climbers, which not just limited themselve learning from ODA only.

Highligh of the trip:-
"Ting pakai skirt" to trip. Our ODA girl, PANG SIEW TING..... have a habit of tearing off her pants during trip nowadays. We don't know how her pants end up that way, for sure we know she is not fit into that pants anymore. She shall accept the fact that "it's time to buy new clothes"
Lan demo on Pang "skirt"

Last day out from Pos Gedong to Bidor, all of the sudden Hilux tires cut by some trees. I still remember when i hear the air leaking sound, i thought is water pipe leaking. I still joking with Sham that "bagus la, paip bocor boleh cusi kereta". Then we heard someone knocking the truck top, and ask for "stop, stop" . Oh no, its PUNCIT!!!! Arif take bout 15 minutes to changes the tires under heavy rain pour. If normal car, 15 mintues is consider normal. But changing Hilux tires, its not that easy as what we thought, REALLY!!!!

Before trip ended, Arif told me "aHoon, bulan 6 kita masuk lagi, ya." "Sudah 2 kali masuk sama, kali ketiga mesti masuk sama lagi", kita orang sama sama sampai peak!!!"

By the time we reached Native village, all the native is looking at us curiuosly. One of the native man ask us whether we reach the peak or not and we informed the native we didn't reach.

Then.... the native laughes at us :"itu la, kalau kami bawa, janji mesti sampai."
Then i start thinking, 5 years ago, our 1st trip you said "we will not return from the jungle," and nobody willing to be our guide; this trip you laughed at us cause we don't want to engage you all as guide.....你们到底想怎样哦?????

Anyhow, it's a very very wonderful trip for all of us, considered as reunion trip with some of the Tapah members, after about 4-5 years we didn't get the chance to hike together.

Reaching or not Reaching Bah Gading...... doesn't matter at all. As long as the mountain is there, we will reach there someday. Most importantly, we really have GREAT Times together with all the friends. Thanks alot for the wonderful trip :- Arif, Lan, Zubir, Rosli, Anthony and Sham


aNDy said...

Great, i wish i can join too on june.. really want to learn thing from sifu..
PST, y wear skirt again o.. haha.. want to show off a>>

Anonymous said...

the Bah Gading really that hard???
First time i hear ODA cannot reach the mountain peak.....