Tuesday, November 10, 2009

2010 June 4th-6th Mount Kinabalu Expedition!!!!

2010 Gunung Kinabalu Expedition !!!

Gunung Kinabalu or also known as Akinabalu is located at Kinabalu Park in the state of Sabah. The mountain and its surroundings are among the most important biological sites in the world, with over 600 species of ferns, 326 species of birds, and 100 mammalian species identified. Among them are the gigantic Rafflesia plants and the orangutan. Mount Kinabalu has been accorded UNESCO World Heritage status.The main peak of the mountain (Low's Peak) can be climbed easily by a person with a good physical condition, and requires no mountaineering equipment.

Expedition Date : 2010 June 4th - 6th (Friday - Sunday)
Destination :
Mount Kinabalu , Sabah Trail : Timpohon - Peak - Timpohon Altitude : 4,095 me / 13,435 ft
Gather Time: 8pm
Gather Venue : Kota Kinabalu Airport

Trip Fee

Trip Planning

June 4th 2010
8.00 pm We will gather at KK Airport. Please book flight that will arrive before the time. From there, we will transported from Airport to KK park for a night stay.

June 5th 2010
8.00 am We will ascend to Laban Rata..
2.00 pm Will reach Laban Rata. Will stay for one night.

June 6th 2010
2.30 am Leave for peak. After peak, we will descend from Peak to KK park.
2.00 pm Reach KK park.
3.00 pm Leave for Kota Kinabalu/Airport.
6.00 pm Reach Kota Kinabalu/Airport.

  • The above schedule might vary due to weather and participants fitness. For safety reason, please book late return flight for June 6th flight to avoid late for boarding if you wish to return to KL on 6th of June.
  • After descending from KK Park to KK town on June 6th, you are free to plan your own travel plans.
  • There will be free tickets today 10th November 2009 on Airasia.
  • A more detail trip planning will be sent out later to confirmed participants.
Trip Requirement:
1) At least 2 mountain hiking experience.
2) Healthy
3) Love adventures
4) Self trainings before Mount Kinabalu hike.

Further Information Please Contact:

Trip Leader :How Fu Yaw (016-2159949)
Assistant Trip Leader : Yong Miing Rueng (016-8788485)
Or E-mail : contact_oda@yahoo.com

Best Regards,
ODA Committees (Outdoor Discover Adventure)

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Unforgettable Trip - Chabang

Chabang之后,又要写feedback了。真的有点力不从心哦!但最后还是写了。还好有CE的提醒,不然我的会忘了写吧!(其实是懒得写。哈哈!)CE,真的谢谢你!这次的旅程对我来说真的有点难忘吧!过程中的经历与回忆还在我脑海中,挥散不去。山顶的风景的都把城市里的ABC的街上给比下去了。一个字,赞!但下山时的路途真的有点。。。坎坷吧!可以这样形容吗?老师?哈!因为那时夜色已经暗了,还冒起一阵雨。使得我们走的好缓慢。还要过一条水流很急的河。但都是有惊无险的。好刺激哦!所以当全部人安全下到营地时已是十一点多了。好晚哦!好累哦!当全部人都安全的下到来,那感觉真的很棒!真的很开心!对吧!大家!我们征服了它,Chabang!我们又再次的征服了自己!好像似和大家经历了很多,虽然只有那短暂的几天。希望下次的trip还能见到大家。最后要谢谢我们这次trip的Advisor Lau Shi 和 president Ah Pang。因为有你俩,所以这次的trip才能顺顺利利的。当然也要谢谢我们的trip leader Chian Nii。谢谢你带领我们,辛苦你啦!还有我们的group leader ABS, 谢谢你!虽然你很沉默,但不表示你不会幽默。哈哈!还有要谢谢我们group menber, lau shi, Chong Ee, cikgu Mus, Shafig和 Han Yuk。真的很开心能遇见,直到认识你们。Yoyoyo, BBW。。。我们是行的!再见啦!Chabang!