Saturday, September 25, 2010

Enjoyed Hari Raya Holiday at Taman Negara

Every year Taman Negara Expedition, ODA will category as a very important trip to all committees. This is because all ODA committees will gather together no matter at where. Included at "Outstation" or "Oversea" committees. Everyone make sure put down their heavy work,busy lifestyle, and meet up to each others on that important date.

Not only this, ODA committees will bring all their family members, relatives, friends come along.Let their family members, friends to understand what are they doing in ODA all these years.I am always feel glad to see each others on this important date. It is remind me, how ODA growth up along these 5 years time with everyone.

To seeing each others face from naive, funny, naughty, ego, noisy and turn to become who we know today. What they have change? Maybe some of the new comer members didnt know about it. But, i am sure the "season participants" who join ODA quite a long time, they know how well we growth in ODA. Everyone have their own reason why they are in ODA today, and everyone loves ODA as how they loves their family.

Eventhough we are from different background, different ages, different life experiences, different qualification, different in whatever things. But, in ODA we always know all of us are the same. We shared, we concern, we accept, we love, we take care everyone included their family and their partner. What we are today, was inspired by a very strong Advisor - ODA Einstein Pretty Cute LFY -Lim Kwee Hoon. A very important lady to shape, guide everyone of us in our life. To make sure we are on the right track all the time, to make sure what we do always good for everyone.

Thank You ODA Advisor -Ms Lim, to guide everyone of us no matter in our life, study, mountain knowledge, advise us all the times to be a better human being. Along the preparation of Taman Negara, she had a conversation with FuYaw everyday and night. To make sure all the tasked has been completed and have a good cooperation with Taman Negara authorities for our group.

ODA Master How Fu Yaw, 2010 Taman Negara Trip Leader. Who has really work hard on the trip to makesure all the things are run well and he really make sure without any mistakes come out in the trip. Everyday contact with Taman Negara to make sure we have enough boats, accomodation, meals, equipments for the trip. I have saw his worries during the whole expedition. Thank You for everything!!!

A picture say a thousand words!!! ODAs, What you have done, i didnt mentioned it one by one, yet i will keep inside my heart.I have end with this meaningful picture for ODA 2010 Taman Negara Expedition. Thank you everyone Gah Gee, Sian Seong, Miing Rueng, Chian Nii, Bee Suan, Brother, Jason Sim, Chee Loong, Adrian, Phei Ying, Siow Kee, Ern Hui, Siew Yen for unconditional to love, to support ODAs..

2010 Sept 13-15 ODA Taman Negara Expedition

Front: Siew Yen, Sian Seong, FuYaw,Gah Gee, Laosi, Pang, Chian Nii, Siow Kee
Back: Miing Rueng, Brother, Adrian, Bee Suan, Chee Loong, Phei Ying, Ern Hui, Jason Sim

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya - Taman Negara 2010 Sept 10th-12rd

首先,要谢谢我们的主办组长,Fu Yaw(从沙劳越飞过来),ODA Advisor Ms Lim,ODA Ex-President Gah Gee(从新加坡飞过来),Siew Ting,ODA President Sian Seong ,ODA Committee Ming Rueng(从沙巴飞过来),Chian Nii and ODA Helper Adrian, OPY,Ern Hui,Siew Kee,Jason,Brother Lim and Siew Yen.还有要感谢ODA的支持者Chee Loong,Jai Wong,Foong Sim,Sim Yee...太多人了,ALC的同学Chai Hong,Sim Mei 谢谢你们的参与。国家公园第二次参与,这次的参与有很多型新脸孔,跟我同车的朋友Connie and Xiao Yu,爱笑的Connie 和爱睡的Xiao Yu,谢谢您帮我提东西。ODA 大家辛苦了,你们在我心目中永远永远是最棒的!!!My Group 3 Leader - Jai Wong,Group Member,Lim Na, Chu Yao,Ai Mei,Sook Yee, Siew Ching, Ling Eng, Kit Wai,Chee Hong, Hon Keong.谢谢你们的合作和互相照顾。

最后,在这里我要说声抱歉,真的很对不起,因为我在这个团队里做得不够好,辛苦大家了。(Day 2 Nite 凌晨的露水)

ODA Let's Proceed Together,Happy Together and Work Hard Together!!!


Best Regards

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First and foremost, I would like to say thank you to ODA committees for organizing this trip. I felt that this trip is more relaxing if I compared it with my 1st trip at Gunung Datuk.

This 3 days 2 nights trip has allowed us to have better chance to know each other by spending time to chit chat, sharing funny stories and talking “cooling” jokes by our queen and king. Also, I enjoyed the night talk with laoshi and the gangs on the last night. 38k has created his own “sampat” poses (kawaii 五连拍) which all of us are very enjoyed imitating his pose.

* Friendship has slowly built*

I would like to thanks DiDi for helping me carry the water while we were hiking. Thank you Mr Jai Wong for sharing his scary tales which caused me could not sleep tight at night and not dare to look at the fan.

Thank you, brother for fetching us to Taman Negara. You had showed us the first and most important criteria of becoming ODA driver which is SPEED and ACCURACY are required. There is new term created to describe fast and furious driving, we called it as “ODA”. If you see someone drives very fast, we will say the driver is very ODA. Haha…

Thank you, Fong Sim for accompany me to this trip by ignoring her father’s objection.

The last and not least, I want to thank my friend Min Choo for bringing us to join ODA. I am very happy to meet all of you here… Nice to meet you all 

New Comer for Taman Negara Trip

Hi to all of Taman Negara trip committees & participants! Nice to meet you all during this trip. First of all to mention of, I am a new comer for ODA and for the first time I was joined this trip.

Also first time been requested to express my feeling in ODA's blog page after I had attended the trip, in fact nothing much I can really comment of.

From my point of views, the only thing that I think still can be improved would be the interaction and communication among committees & participants.

Just would like to say, I met a lot of great people, great friends during this trip. I did enjoy all the activities during the 3days 2nights event, it was a great experience as well.

Hope to see all again in coming future. Well done ODA !!!

G.Chabang Expedition - Officially Closed for Registration

Gunung Chabang Expedition - Registration Closed
Gunung Chabang Expedition - Officially Closed for Registration

Dear All ODA Friends,

We are here to inform everybody that the Gunung Chabang Expedition on Oct 15th - Oct 17th 2010 is officially Close for registration 10 day earlier than dateline due to overwhelming responses.

Participants who had made payment to ODA Committees prior to this date, you will receive an email to inform you about G.Chabang Expedition Trip Planning which include Trip Schedule, Meal Plan, Group Items and Individual Items One week before expedition.

If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.

Thanks for all your responses and supports.

Monica Yeoh Fui Sian
Gunung Chabang Expedition Trip Leader

Monday, September 20, 2010

taman negara trip

its the first time i've been called to be one of the group leader for ODA. surprisingly it's another step for me to grow in it-ODA

being called by ms. lim was a bit pressured at first,cause i know it ain't be that easy to lead a group in ODA's trip,me initial thought. but after i was in real situation,its not that bad,as the group members are really good and helpful,which made my job easier. thanks Group 5 members! thankx fong sim and sim yee for not letting me drink so much water up there. ha.

fu yaw, when i first saw ur trip plan, i was stunt till the end cause i know it will take me ages to plan everything from head to toe like how u did. it was an amazing task that u've done, and great job! thankx miing rueng as well for guiding me throughout the trip. appreciate that!see u during new year =)

the rest of ODA's helper and ms. lim, and those that i din manage to address, u all rock!
though its a bit new for me in this, but its really fun to be a part of ODA.

hmm..still the same, the main objective is to explore the nature,and it has been done, besides all the fun and excitement, not to forget that the nature needs us youth and all the people to protect and watch over, as how it watches over us.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

2010 Hari Raya + Taman Negara Trip !!

Thank you for every Taman Negara members for joining ODA for this trip. Your presence make the whole trip became more meaningful and interesting. Although this trip our members is less

than previous trip, but I think the excitement is still same or even more exciting than previous trip !! You guys are GREAT !!!

To all participants who firstly join ODA trip, I’m really glad to know all of you especially my group 1 members, Connie, Siew Yee, Yin Qiu, Mei Wah, Wei Hwa, Chin Yuen and of course my 3 collegemates Daniel, Albert, and Jun Yew. Before trip, thanks for following my instructions and coorperate with me well. Your coorperation really helped me a lot when I assigning our group task. During trip, you guys are well prepared and always work as a group. Teamwork between all of you let me feel that I don’t have to worry about my group anymore because I know all of you can do it.

Besides that, I wish to thank every ODA helper for helping out before, during and after trip. Ern Hui, Phei Ying, Adrian, Siew Kee and also ODA Supporter, Brother Lim. Without your helping hand, this trip will be much more tougher to us. Before trip, all of you you came to Kota Kemuning to help out in grocery shopping and distribute group items. During trip, all of you became Group Leader who help to manage group members and ensure them follow instructions. After trip, you guys stay back to help us clean up equipment, unpack everything. Without your help, we unable to get all the task done in such a short time. Thank you very much !!

Last but not least, ODA !!!! Every year, Taman Negara trip is the toughest trip for ODA. Why is it toughest ? It simply because it need a lot of preparation work.

Our Trip Leader, Mr.How Fu yaw, started his preparation for this trip from June until the day of our Taman Negara trip. He even sacrifice his time for work, relationship, and etc. I sincerely thank you for all his hard work for this trip. Thanks for all the effort he put in to this trip.

Our ODA Advisor, Miss Lim has also put in a lot of time and effort in preparation of this trip. More than 10times of editing trip planning, everyday keep updating trip progress, and etc. This was not an easy work .

All ODA Committees, Pang Siew Ting, Low Gah Gee, Yong Miing Rueng, Ang Chian Nii, and Ang Bee Suan has also performed well as committees to fully support Trip Leader to make this trip become more successful.

Gah Gee and Ming Rueng even came back from overseas just to help out during trip, this indicate how important Taman Negara trip to all committees. So, we should show our appreciation to every Committees and helpers who help out during the trips.

Lastly, Taman Negara Trip 2010 is Over !!! Is time to back to our normal life…

See You guys again during Next ODA Trips.

Best Regards,


Feedback 2010 Taman Negara Expedition

Dear ODA,

这是我第三次参加ODA的活动,但前两次都没写Feedback,老师已问原因了。。。这次不能再逃了。。。不然我的名就要列入黑名单了, 哈哈!
这次的TRIP是最早集合的, 早上五点多就要起床准备,起身时发现外头下着雨, 心想如能再继续睡哪有多好。。。但不能,六点就要出门去朋友家和她一起去LRT站等候大家了。。。
七点钟我们到达LRT站,因下雨的关系吧。。。看见到达的人并不多, 只好在那等待大家的到来, 人数已到了差不多,Trip Leader就开始分配大家把东西放在各自坐的车, 大约九点我们开始出发。。在车上,辛好有Catherine, 我们一路才有说有笑, 不然我和SimMei这俩文静的‘瓜’一定会把大家给闷坏。。。
这个TRIP 给我的印象是最容易 (不用爬到上气不接下气), 轻松 (不用带着沉重的背包上山), 多人的一次, 好开心看到那么多人噢。。。不过少人的TRIP也有少人的好处啦!
在这三天两夜的TRIP里,虽然我们的食物都不错, 不过有一种食物一直都听到大家想念和挂在嘴边的。。那就是’肉骨茶‘。。不过我不会啦, 因吧生这太多间了, 有时会吃到怕。。。
在回家的路途, 本来说好要停下在半途一起吃午饭, 不过有些车已走散了,只好跟上的聚聚而已咯。。我们大概也开了四五桌, 大家都吃得蛮开心 。。。因有人要赶飞机的关系, 所以我们也没呆太久。。。吃完后, 大家依依不舍的说再见, 然后各自回家, 我大约五时就平安到家了!
第二天早,真的有点懒起身工作, 因平时少运动的我, 脚有点痛,不过不会比上次Irau Trip来得严重, 大概一星期多才好回, 有点差劲喔。。。(^_^)!
最后, Thanks ODA 每次都给我机会参加所有的活动, 我会尽量安排我的时间参于更多的活动, Hope can see you all soon...!!

Chai Hong (Rainbow Boon)

Sim Mei's 2010 Taman Negara Feed Back

Hai Sim Mei here,my 3rd time joint ODA.This time at Taman Negara, so relex, fell so quite a lot of member.
Thank to "xiou hai che" your driving skill is so good, and your friends Ah Cat so good, she alway have some new topic to talk, make the hold car not so board.
This Taman Negara trip, Bukit TERESEK,wah so good, short jorney, can capture many picture.
Nite so many people..
I think the enjoy thing is rapid shooting cause we wet cause water war game at each boot some more come out using mastin even i didnt having bath at side river, since like that day cant running out of wet.
For the Canopy Walk, is ok not so high n safety.
Lastly Asli Village, have visit there house and other, some more have demo how to make fire quite awe.
Is a quit easy trip for this time,some more can take bath and toilet,haha
Thank to ODA and ODA Member, Hopefully can have other adventure trip with you all next time.

Sim Mei

Friday, September 17, 2010

National Park (Taman Negara)

It was another nice ODA adventure, just like our Adviser (Ms. Lim) had shared with us: We are going to gain different experience by hiking / exploring different mountains / places. By going out with ODA, I have gained experiences which are definitely worthwhile for me to gain it.

By looking at photo, no doubt I was so happy during the trip.

In this trip, we did have Bukit Teresek Hiking, Night Walk, Water Activities, Canopy Walk, Rapid Shooting, Visit Native Village. However, the most enjoyable moments / activities were interaction with all the committee members and participants.

I have met a lot of new friends here, and also enjoyed a lot of activities, not forgetting those pleasant / exciting moment such as:-

One of them said: "Let 拍叫(照). Well, in Chinese dialect, 叫 (jiao4) is pronounciation for "bird". Hence, they replied:"OK, but show your 叫 (jiao4) first"

With encouragement and attitude of helping / caring one another or teamwork spirit, all of our group members managed to reach the peak of Bukit Teresek. Besides, helping / caring one another with other group members in addition to our own group, such as food sharing, lending of water heater, lending of toilet, lending of soap, information sharing, photo taking, etc..

An overloaded boat was about to sink at night due to I am too heavy (sorry for endangered my friend's life).

Playing of New Japanese Poker Game at Room No. 9 and everyone is trying not to become the top winner.

Playing of "Truth or Dare" Game with interesting friends, revealing my secret and thought them they don't know who am I talking about (The fact is: They know exactly who am I talking about), meeting with several super P.R. girls who are born ready to perform at stage at anytime and anyplace, exchange of thinking, asking of really private question for a girl and lot more. What a perfect friends to play this kind of game with.

Different styles of photo taking e.g. Shampoo Advertisement, Gang of Japanese Poker, Jumping, 背对背拥抱,High Five, Water Splashing, Arrow Style, etc..

There was an accident. Somebody threw stone to my face and almost hit my eye accidentally. Reiteration: it was an accident. Well, it was a good thing for me because I have reaffirmed that I have learned the forgiveness and it didn't hit my eye, thanks Buddha. Sorry to all the people who concerned about my injury, for the lie that I don't know who threw me. I do know who was that and have forgiven him.

(to be continued)

2010 Taman Negara Expedition

Hi there, first of all a big thank you to all of us to 2010 ODA Taman Negara Expedition. Without all of your support we would not have been organising this expedition this successfully. Hope all of you enjoyed the Raya holiday time at Taman Negara. Besides that i would also like to thank ODA Advisor, ODA Committees and Trip Committees and group leaders that gave a big support and help during this 3 days trip. Without all of you, there is no way Taman Negara can go on. Maybe some of you thought you did not help much, but direct or indirect you helped. So lets all of us give ourselves a tap on the shoulder....Well Done!!!

This is the third time I've been to Taman Negara. The first time i as a participant to Taman Negara. I enjoyed all the fun there- Rapid Shooting, Canopy Walkway, Night Walk. The second time is as a group leader. Gained alot of experience last year. Have more fun with friends. This year is the third time and as a Trip Leader. This time, new challenge, new things to learn. Once again would like to thank ODA for giving me this chance to learn and lead.

Same place but with different experience and different responsibilities. Although every year the same activities and same place, i never get bored. Because each year, we went there with different friends and people. When we went to a same place for several times, we might not focus much on the activities, instead we focus on the people. Location is the same, the process is different. Wish that all of you will still contact with your group mates ya.

Lastly, thanks again......hope to see you guys again in ODA trips. See you soon !! and Take Care !!
