Sunday, April 24, 2011

G. Angsi Expedition

Yet, another journey has started for me. But one thing I found out was that whenever I'm going back to climb a mountain, my heart just can't stop pacing up, thinking what's next and what's going to come next. Well, taking photos are one of my task during trip like these, it's a new style of improving my skills and to train myself. Thanks again to the trip leader for organizing this wonderful trip for all of us. Including committees and of course participants who joined this unforgettable trip! Though some of you might be new, including me myself, its a whole new level of experience than any other things you do in life. No one's going to climb a mountain when they are free, unless there's something so special in you which pushes you to do it. so don't worry, you're normal =)

Every trip there will be something new for us to learn, and every trip I accomplished, I would promise myself to love mother nature more, sharing it to my friends who can't climb mountain and telling them how i felt whenever rubbish are simply left in the jungle or river, burning of plastic and stuff, it's all absurdity.

Again, special thanks to Laoshi, committees that helped me along the way, and all of you great participants!

Share this picture with you which I found I really liked it, to officially end my post and this trip and of course, the beginning of the trip to come! =)

It shows the back of a mountain climber, how much they have to face before they reach the top and of course, the self-actualization that has been obtained. It's applying to both you and me. Take the leap and challenge yourself next trip to come!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gunung Angsi Expedition 2011 April 09th-10th

我想了整整一个星期多,我真的不知道要怎么写这次的感言。。。不知如何开始写。。。我只好把自己给关在房间里。。 。。。

十二月份老师,我和Chian Nii. 三个人去做Premaking Gunung Angsi。也是我第一次低达到这里。跟了ODA这么多年,也爬了不少座山。怎么还会有第一次呢?哈哈!!这也不出奇啦。有些时候是因为时间的问题,或者是命运的问题。(命运在玩弄人吗?)Premaking 过后,还有几个月就要准备时间表和工具和道具。本以为想时间还很长,有很多时间。可是,不知不觉时间也过的好快。还有一个月就是要去Gunung Angsi 了。也给我觉得很压力,日历一天一天的在我眼里的撕去,心情也一天的比一天的繁重。我怎么啦?? 担心吗?。。。最后,我还是选择用冷静的心情去面对。。在这期间,要谢谢老师,Pang, Chian Nii, Phei Ying, Adrian and Sian Seong. 一直的在努力,精神,贡献和支持。

2011 Apr 08th, 那一天晚上,大家都在准备食物,工具和道具。在这种时间,时刻,人群,空气,哪个气氛, 力量。。跟以往的气氛不一样了。我怎么啦?Pang, Ming Rueng, Andy, Fu Yaw, Huey Woon, Yee Jin, GG,Chen Shen。。。时间每一年每一天每一分每一秒都在改变。时间不能重回吗?(哈哈!!我想的太天真了啦)时间怎么能重回呢? 。。。。。。。。。。??

Gunung Angsi 2011 Apr 09th-10th, 每当我参与每次的爬山活动,终会有一个愿头。安全的到达,安全的到家,要大家平安的到家。一个最间单的愿望。。组长 Group 1, 2, 3 你的安排都很好。只是,我们要把食物好好的供用。

Gunung Angsi Expendition 2011 Apr 09th-10th :
Jess Teo, Liew Sook Yee, Siew Teng Pooi Sun, Ai Mei, Patrick Lin, Jang Fung, Tiong Hern, Daniel Tan, Albert Leong, Jun Yu, Soo Wei, Ern Hui, Sai Pan, Jun Kit, Fan Long, Yong Heng, Lai Lee, (Absence) Ashley Tham, Lance Chan , Chok Ping and Wee Lee 。
ODA Committees : Pang, Chian Nii, Sian Seong, Phei Ying, Adrian Wong, 大家辛苦啦!!你们真的太棒了!!!感激不尽!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


This consider my second visit to G.ANGSI, finally, this round, I able to reach the peak ,enjoy the very wonderful view from the side with everyone and it feels UBER COOL!!!

Seeing all the returning friends during trip,that feeling is so much more than just GREAT!! And everyone of u has contributed and given all of us big help to give us a safe ride although when the sleepiness and tiredness were somehow quite bothering. Much appreciated! THANKS!!

THANKS to our Trip Leader- BeeSuan for putting in all of the efforts to make sure another successful trip being conducted in this wonderful year.
And A REAL THANK YOU to all ODA COMMITEES whom i really learnt alot from .

A BIG THANK YOU to our Advisor, for all the guidances and helps, reminders, truly appreciate all the things been taught before, during and after trip.

Looking at the photos which speak a thousand words, THANKS to our photographers who has again given us very nice capture in this trip.

Footing in the first day was considered smooth, ofcause also due to the kind weather. But the second day trail was abit challenging and things got harder when we met with the heavy rain.

How clearly it showed us that the 'teacher' in this activity is none other than the Mother Nature.

Albeit the location is somewhere near the town, but we were still being rewarded with a very nice night city view, starry night and in the morning, warmth hearted scenery was what we got.

This round, the fun thing was to have so many future accountants to be in a group.
Really glad to meet EACH AND EVERYONE OF U.
Despite having quite a few first timers, but the high spirit and excitements that all u have before and during the trip is IMPRESSIVE!!!

Days before trip I receieved few questions such as, where can we buy groundsheets?? etc etc, only i realised how important communication is to make sure everything will go smooth.
Thanks so much for shooting out the questions to clear up ur doubts as it has created a better concern in me that what doubts would the first timer usually have??  How, and what else i could do to help so that they could have better expectation before trip and they can get themselves well-prepared??

For some of u, u might think that u will prefer day hike, ya ,u were so right to say that the journey is not too long, definitely we able to finish it within one day and without the need of carrying heavy backpack, stay over night ,etc.
But this's exactly the right question- why an overnight trip still be conducted?

Is walking in the wilderness,keep on move in the jungle are what's hiking , this OUTDOOR ACTIVITY all about?
Everything you need in that few days are on your back. We carried few days worth of things with us with us and stayed in inns further up in the mountains.

It's actually a golden lesson in joys of living simply.
It's a compilation of different knowledges ,which can improve the techniques to get everything set in a better way. As physically and mentality arent everything.
Cooperation,helping each other and true support to each other in that few days which come from within are somehow very important doesnt matter under any situation.
This gives us the whole picture of what it is like to be in moutain,away from town, which can be hardly imaginable before the first hike.

It reminds me that,for once i have such thought in me too,I said to myself “I will never go on a mountain trip. I have no interest ,I dont like to stay in the jungle and i cant do it”
And i truly understand where's the dislike of staying overnight feeling coming from.

Just like many people would have asked, why are u go hiking so often?? what's the fun behind it??? it is so tough!!!! So uncomfortable for staying in the  jungle.
When u start appreciate the value in many different things, skills u learnt from each trip, despite its the same place being re-visited, it's where u will find the reason of what has kept the hikers' enthusiasm toward this activity higher and higher.

We are in the process of learning new things, accepting, this was ur first trip and U DID IT, and seeing myself has slowly accepted the way to live in the jungle, continuously return to the moutain once awhile,which because ive learnt alots, and after trips until today,Im still much more to learn, to improve while exploring.  Im sure it would be the same for u too to have many more times to come in the future !!

There's a saying- sharing is caring, and this is the main objective of conducting trips by ODA, which is to share the experiences, knowledges with more and more people out there, with this trip, it makes me  understand even more the true joys of sharing good thing to people.
When one able to share something u feel good about to some other people u care, and they appreciate it and they enjoy that new thing as well.... the feeling is superb!!!

Very glad to hear that all of u have fun in this trip which brought to me an excitement to SEE EACH AND EVERYONE OF U AGAIN in the future trips!!!!

Take care & Nice day =D !!!!!!