Monday, April 28, 2014



在这六天里,我一直觉得很不可思议,马来西亚竟然有这么干净的地方。印象中,马来西亚的观光景点随处都可看见垃圾桶,但是也随地可看见垃圾。在姆鲁国家公园里,要丢垃圾是需要寻找垃圾桶的!!! 我们所去到的每一个地方,都是干净的,地上所看见的,是干净的木板伴随着一些落叶或者生了青苔的石头又或者清澈见底的河水。直到现在,我还是觉得很赞叹!

这里的山洞之巨大,是真的身历其中才能体验到的。以前知道说有一个山洞是可以容纳一台jumbo jet飞过,现在我相信了。在这里可以看见许多大自然的作品,水,风,蝙蝠加上时间的累积与化学作用的杰作,大自然的力量实在是太伟大了!

漫长的9公里路程去到Camp 5,我渐渐感叹与惭愧自己的不足。平时吊儿郎当的Tata,一直在鼓励着翰贤,让他丢掉负面思想,充满正能量。而我在后头,慢慢,慢慢地被追不上他们的步伐。听着他们的对话,有时觉得很好笑,有时觉得很不可思议,但是我相信路途中的这些对话,也是他俩从不停歇继续走下去的动力之一。这9公里的路程,他们就只停下休息一次,而那也是为了等我们。我打从心坎深深地给两位一个赞!看着他们哥儿俩的背影,我感动了。

Camp 5是一个很棒的地方。我好喜欢那河水声。夜空下,坐着或者躺在长凳上,听着河水声,间中伴奏着鸟叫声,虫鸣声,风儿轻轻的吹着,那是多么奢侈的享受。不需要讲话,就那样静静的,被大自然围绕着,我是何等地荣幸能够享受到这一切。


Pinnacles的这一路上下,我感到好激动。每次很喜欢跟ODA爬山的原因之一,就是不管我们在外面多么的遥远,关系多么的疏离,但是在这里,我们的心都是在一起的!这种感觉,真好!这些年来一直跟着ODA一起成长的朋友们,再次见面的感觉,还是和以前一样,大家的脸上永远挂着笑容,话题里参杂着笑点,再加上这次我们有全国ODA Advisor的nephew参与我们,旅程的意义更加特殊。

在国家公园的这几天,我们正见证着一个小男孩在转变成一个男人。他坚强的毅力,强大的意志力,成熟的想法与句子,时时为别人着想,关心着身边的每一个人,偶尔像小孩般的老实天真,偶尔像大人般地成熟,让我在他身上学到许多东西,感觉每天都在他的身上挖宝。从他突破难关登上Mini Pinnacles,1200m, 1600m,1800m到第一个楼梯到2100m到他做出决定,这其中的过程弯弯曲曲。我相信他经历了许多,也领悟了不少,才勇敢地做出了下山的决定,当下又或者现在想起,我还是感到心里揪了一下,有点心痛,但是又很感动,虽然我没资格,但是还是为他的家人感到骄傲。要知道当时距离目的地只有300m,飞过了南中国海,走了9公里路程,爬了2.1km,加上之前无数次的自我训练与dayhike,这个决定真的很难做。我,真的很庆幸,能够参加这一次的trip。套一句小学作文常写的,这感觉,非笔墨所能形容。


Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Memorable Mulu Trip

A very meaningful trip to me personally.
Having all the old hiking buddies around, it is always good to see each of you again. 
Our stories begin years way back.  As years goes by, we have grown up from caring school bag around until caring laptop, camera, tools and money, but whenever we meet each others in jungle again, nothing change. Each of us still wearing same hiking shoes, hiking shirt, backpack when we meet.
There is always one things in mind, thanks to each of your cares, loves, blessing and support to me all these years.

It is as well a very special trip to us - we have the youngest participant who is 14 years old a.k.a ODA Advisor's Nephew Neo Hon Xien
A boy who had been following from time to time since six years ago to some minor trip, who had encountered several times of skin allergy, incomplete trip and yet facing another impossible obstacle of rejection from National Park Guide 14hrs prior to our departures to Pinnacles - He had make the impossible to "I am Possible." - with the believe of "Miracles" and finally we have made it together until 2.1KM, the 4th ladders, 300m to go before The Pinnacle Summit.

There are no words could be describe the best, on those moments we hike along with him, seeing his determination and focus to complete all the obstacles along the way. 
There are so many things I have learnt from him, the positive thinking of him all the way, his concerns of everyone, to boost everyone mood, emotion and spirit, he is definitely an energy giver to all of us even during his own energy low moment. 

This trip could not happen without the present for all the backup support and planning, hard work, communication with the National Park month ago. It is always confident boost and feel secured with the present of all of them as well as those behind the scene manpower. Although it is an incomplete trip for me this round, but we will make sure there is always next round completion. After all, being safe and enjoy the moments are always the priority with the present of all good people around. 
Looking forward to see each of you in coming trip again. I wish everyone of you healthy and all the best in you study and working!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Teens' 61.2KM Story @ Mulu National Park, 2014 April 14-19

It is a revisit to Mulu National Park with larger group this round and a significant trip as we have the youngest participant in ODA's record as well as he might be the youngest to scale The Pinnacle and in Mulu National Park record.  
2014 April 17 - A Historical Day 
07.30am - 16 of us reached Mini Pinnacle, One of the hiker from Hong Kong decided to descend as guide had advice to him that he might be unable to reach the destination as required by park's rule. 
Guide had announced that our teen hiker had break the record as being the Youngest Hiker ever reached till this point. 
09.00am - One of our group member descend from 1600m
09.30am - Our youngest hiker had reached 1800m, another Record Break. 
10.00am - We have reached the First ladder out of 15 ladders remain, we can smell the peak is just right above.
One of the Spain's group hiker decided to descend from 1st ladder point.. 
10.30am - Reached 2.1KM, the youngest hiker had made the toughest and bravest decision, he had decided to descend from that point onward even though we are just 300m away from Summit. 
Question arise on the reason we decided to descend : 
Based on his judgement, he realized that the vertical ladder and slippery trail/rock will be almost impossible for him to descend later on and our concern on the delayed from ladder descending and might lead to nigh walk with the consequences which will increase the risk of injuries on those scatter everywhere sharp rocks along the whole trail.  
Our tears dropped upon received his final decision.... he is really close to Summit and everyone is waiting for him, to applause for his victory, What a Pity!!! 
In the mean time, we're so PROUD of him that he had pushed himself far beyond his abilities, his perseverance and determination to keep on even though he has to put twice or even triple efforts than other adult around. 
We salute his courage to made vigorous decision to call off from reaching the summit. It's a brave decision which I believe there are not many of us even bold enough to made such decision. 
It is an Honor to hike with you and Thank you for given ODA the privilege to complete the whole trip with you - Mr. Neo Hon Xien a.k.a The Youngest Hiker Ever Reached 2.1m in Mulu National Park Record. 
Days upon reached home, the scenery on each of the sharp rocks along the trail, vertical and huge gap ladder which can't be reached by Hon Xien are still printed fresh in the mind and the moment he decided to descend. He has far early understand the philosophy of a true climber. "Getting to the top is Optional, getting down safe is mandatory" - By Ed Viesturs (A prenaturally cautious climber who once turned back from the top of Everest and being the only American to stand on top of the world's fourteen 8,000meter peak, without the aid of bottle oxygen)
"We will scale The Pinnacle again on 2016 when I reach 16 years old" - By Neo Hon Xien (New rule on minimum age to climb The Pinnacle of Mulu National Park change from previously 13 to 16 on 2014 onward). 
Our best wishes to you, 
May your perseverance and strong determination ride you to any place you have aspired, 
May your sense of humor and positive thinking furnish your life,
May your kindness and compassion bring you to Eternity Happiness
See You on Top - Neo Hon Xien !!!!! 

My appreciation to all the "KoKo, Jie Jie" (as addressed by Hon Xien),who had extent their hands, assistantship, moral supports, blessing, backup support to our Youngest Hiker in this Tremendous Milestone crossed Historical Expedition - Thank You. 

As quoted from Hon Xien - "ODA Must Prolong to bring more people to outdoor activity".
"I wish someday my friends will get the chance to hike with ODA too."