Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Teens' 61.2KM Story @ Mulu National Park, 2014 April 14-19

It is a revisit to Mulu National Park with larger group this round and a significant trip as we have the youngest participant in ODA's record as well as he might be the youngest to scale The Pinnacle and in Mulu National Park record.  
2014 April 17 - A Historical Day 
07.30am - 16 of us reached Mini Pinnacle, One of the hiker from Hong Kong decided to descend as guide had advice to him that he might be unable to reach the destination as required by park's rule. 
Guide had announced that our teen hiker had break the record as being the Youngest Hiker ever reached till this point. 
09.00am - One of our group member descend from 1600m
09.30am - Our youngest hiker had reached 1800m, another Record Break. 
10.00am - We have reached the First ladder out of 15 ladders remain, we can smell the peak is just right above.
One of the Spain's group hiker decided to descend from 1st ladder point.. 
10.30am - Reached 2.1KM, the youngest hiker had made the toughest and bravest decision, he had decided to descend from that point onward even though we are just 300m away from Summit. 
Question arise on the reason we decided to descend : 
Based on his judgement, he realized that the vertical ladder and slippery trail/rock will be almost impossible for him to descend later on and our concern on the delayed from ladder descending and might lead to nigh walk with the consequences which will increase the risk of injuries on those scatter everywhere sharp rocks along the whole trail.  
Our tears dropped upon received his final decision.... he is really close to Summit and everyone is waiting for him, to applause for his victory, What a Pity!!! 
In the mean time, we're so PROUD of him that he had pushed himself far beyond his abilities, his perseverance and determination to keep on even though he has to put twice or even triple efforts than other adult around. 
We salute his courage to made vigorous decision to call off from reaching the summit. It's a brave decision which I believe there are not many of us even bold enough to made such decision. 
It is an Honor to hike with you and Thank you for given ODA the privilege to complete the whole trip with you - Mr. Neo Hon Xien a.k.a The Youngest Hiker Ever Reached 2.1m in Mulu National Park Record. 
Days upon reached home, the scenery on each of the sharp rocks along the trail, vertical and huge gap ladder which can't be reached by Hon Xien are still printed fresh in the mind and the moment he decided to descend. He has far early understand the philosophy of a true climber. "Getting to the top is Optional, getting down safe is mandatory" - By Ed Viesturs (A prenaturally cautious climber who once turned back from the top of Everest and being the only American to stand on top of the world's fourteen 8,000meter peak, without the aid of bottle oxygen)
"We will scale The Pinnacle again on 2016 when I reach 16 years old" - By Neo Hon Xien (New rule on minimum age to climb The Pinnacle of Mulu National Park change from previously 13 to 16 on 2014 onward). 
Our best wishes to you, 
May your perseverance and strong determination ride you to any place you have aspired, 
May your sense of humor and positive thinking furnish your life,
May your kindness and compassion bring you to Eternity Happiness
See You on Top - Neo Hon Xien !!!!! 

My appreciation to all the "KoKo, Jie Jie" (as addressed by Hon Xien),who had extent their hands, assistantship, moral supports, blessing, backup support to our Youngest Hiker in this Tremendous Milestone crossed Historical Expedition - Thank You. 

As quoted from Hon Xien - "ODA Must Prolong to bring more people to outdoor activity".
"I wish someday my friends will get the chance to hike with ODA too."


1 comment:

Siew Ting said...

ODA Proud of "MR. NE-O"!!! Age16 we will visit again ;)